The Lycée Times Newsfeed

Sunday, January 9, 2011

School hours in French Lycée

Dear Readers,

Many wonder about school in France and school hours. The times aren’t the same as the UK, so I hope to be able to clear up some of the questions you may have, in this article. However, school hours vary slightly around France, but the example I'll be showing in this article is the norm.

In France, Lycée students start the day at 8:00. Then, students normally have two hours of class before a 20 minute break, followed by two hours of class before lunch (to read about school dinners, click here). The afternoon follows the same model except that break is usually shorter. You can see an example of a timetable, below, for a French 1èreL student who’s taking Spanish and Advanced English as options, with English as LV1 and Spanish as LV2 (LV: Langue Vivante / Living Language).



*** VDC: Vie de Classe (class tutor meeting)
* SVT: Biology (Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre) ‘ TPE: Travaux Personnels Encadrés (a project that goes towards your BAC done in groups of 2 or 3)
** ECJS: Civic Education ² H/G: History and Geography

As you can see, the timetable is packed full some days, like Friday, and almost empty other days, such as Monday. But school starts at 8:00 and ends at 17:20. Many students, teachers and parents aren’t happy with the starting time. Some students have to get up at 5:30 to be able to get their bus in time. You can read more about insomnia in students and the effect on the wider population, by clicking here.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to email The Lycée Times at to get a reply to your question in under 24 hours.

Article by The Editor


Anonymous said...

Nice x3 Helped with my assigment.


Anonymous said...

et samedi? Vous n'etes pas a l'ecole? mes accents ne marchent pas pour l'instant, desolee.

Anonymous said...

Usually not.

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