- Onisep - www.onisep.fr (in French)
- Find information and guides to help you choose what BAC to pick and other information from 6ème right up to Terminale. A vital tool and very helpful.
- Ministère de l'Education - www.education.gouv.fr (in French)
- All you need to know about what's going on in the world of French education.
- Education facts and info - www.understandfrance.org/France/Education.html
- Explains a lot of it but unless you're familiar with the American education system, you might not find it very useful.
- L'Etudiant - www.letudiant.fr
- Also a magazine to which you can subscribe. L'Etudiant offers lots of information on everything a student wants to know.
Other blogs/websites (not necessarily on education):
- Kids & Montpellier - www.kids-and-montpellier.blogspot.com
- The Khan Academy - www.khanacademy.com
- Need help with maths and don't understand them in French? The Khan Academy has over nearly 2,000 videos teaching maths, physics, chemistry and other scientific subjects. This is a site to watch as it's growing fast and has recently been nominated for the Google 10^100 awards for education in third world countries.
- GED - www.franklinvirtualschools.com
- Get your GED on your own time. Log in whenever and wherever you want and quickly finish your GED program online.
- The Lycée Times Forum - http://thelyceetimes.topdiscussion.com/forum.htm
- Total France - www.totalfrance.com