The Lycée Times Newsfeed

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Study hours in Lycée and Collège

Dear Readers,

This week I’ll be talking about study hours in Lycée and Collège. There is quite a difference between the two and the do’s and don’ts of study hours can be important.
Firstly, study hours in collège are just like any other class except you don’t have to go to them if you have them first thing in the morning or last thing in the afternoon providing that your parents have picked you up and notified the vie scolaire. In collège, your vie scolaire note at the end of the year can be quite important as well as in lycée. Your vie scolaire note is easily obtainable as 20/20 and you get it every term just like an average for any subject like French or maths. For more info see the Vie Scolaire article coming next week. If you’re well behaved during study hours in collège then your note should be very high. Study hours are much more tedious in collège, due to the fact that you’re sitting in a room for at least an hour. So if you haven’t got anything to do (I’ll use the parents favourite line) “bring a book”!

In Lycée however, study hours are much, much less boring. During study hours you’re allowed to either stay outside, hang out in the main hall with your friends, do your homework or go downtown. However, any trouble caused during study hours will be severely dealt with by the CPE’s and teachers who’s classes you may be late for after a study hour don’t appreciate it! An hour of Aide Individaulisée is a study hour if you don’t attend it.

Article by The Editor

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